Ayttm: Universal Instant Messaging Client

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Ayttm now uses git for source code control. You can checkout and compile from git in order to "stay on the bleeding-edge" and to help test Ayttm.

Browse the source code online to find out what's new in the source code repository. Sometimes the git version will be less stable than the latest release, sometimes more. Here are the quick instructions to access it and build the source:

$ git clone git://ayttm.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/ayttm/ayttm
$ cd ayttm
$ ./gen
$ ./configure (--help to see various parameters)
$ make
$ su -c "make install"


If anything goes wrong, check that you have the required packages installed:

Feedback and patches are welcome on the mailing-list.

Visit our project page on
SourceForge.net Latest version: 0.6.3 (Release notes and Changelog)
Contact: ayttm-users@lists.sourceforge.net.